Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I've Got Eras

I've got eras streaming out of my fingertips
music born from the womb of my ancestors-
words we've lost in wars.

I've eaten my mother's old 45's
put on clothes I thought would never fit me.

I've got eras in my legs that keep me moving.
Forgetting to revisit the past
I internalize it and sing it while I'm sleeping.

I wake up new.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Autumn never existed here-
unless the oranges and browns of your face constitute seasons.
I watch the leaves still full of green float off the floor and
look for trees they never came from.

You are Autumn sun and I am
cloud not covering your face.
Fix brightness on the sidewalk,
hum tunes of California.

I never knew what Autumn looked like-
I imagine purple with red
like blood bursting from veins of leaves

Heart burns
Sun burns
You burn like Autumn never has.